Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mr. Grumpy Pants

Benjamin Franklin and Washington Irving were two great narrators. While they both explicitly tell a thrilling tale they do it different ways. Such as Franklin writes in a vain format which makes him come off as extremely fiction whereas Irving writes to tell his story. Franklin may come off as vain more because he is writing his own autobiography so why not give your ego a boost. But besides that he in general is extremely coincided as well as arrogant. He looks for personal success and fortune. I believe that to be the innovator he was, one needs to be able to toot his own horn so to speak. If he didn’t the things he discovered and the fame he developed as well as the stature he acquired would have all been lost.

Irving on the other hand writes for pure entertainment. He uses poetic verse and flashy language to capture the audience and in Franklin’s case, put them off. He uses stories luike “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” to inquire into people’s love of narrative. These characters are contradictory to Benjamin’s belief in self success and drive. The characters Ichabod Crane and Rip Van Winkle are much laid back and day to day people. Rip is seen as lazy and Ichabod as an investigatory scarecrow.
These narrators do get their point across but in different ways. Irving as a graphic storyteller, and Franklin as a self centered, self dependent man.

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