Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Franklin and Irving want to know, Which American Are You?

Considering what Franklin and Irving imply through their personae’s in their writings, one sees that a combination of the two authors personas is the quintessential modern American. At least the idea of what an American is to foreigners. Consider; the American dream is a self made man. He preserves and uses many of Franklin’s 13 virtues to create for himself the life he envisions to lead. For the ability to do this in America, to create oneself, outsiders are jealous.

Yet this brings us to the other side of the stigma of the idyllic American, the one Irving portrays. That Americans are lazy, greedy, and worthless. Irving’s characters are the opposite of what Franklin portrays himself to be. Ichabod Crane and Rip Van Winkle each embody what reflects most poorly on Americans; laziness, carelessness, despondence and the whole gamut of negative qualities foreigners are all too happy to point out in Americans.

While it is true that Irving is more fantastical in his approach to creating his protagonists (well Franklin is nothing but staunch and frank in his writing), it cannot shift focus from what the basis of his stories are; despondence towards oneself and society. Why do you think we have millions of obese people walking around in America today? On the other hand (Franklin) we also have those who are living the life they planned, Lexus SUV, golden retriever, and two kids in private school.

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