Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dear Mr.Adams and Mr.Jefferson

2010, February 11: Henry to Jefferson and Adams: It seems that you two believe that this world would be far better if religion did not exist in it. With that I have a question to ask both of you, how can you believe such a thing? From where do you think you prosperity came from, and your good fortune? I honestly think that the world today would be chaos without religion, and certainly your world would be in great trouble. I see religion or the belief in a higher being as sort of law, which allows people to act justly and attempt to live a life as Jesus did. Although we all fall short, it’s a goal that we strive for. I do agree that with the absence of religion in the world then it may not be as divided in beliefs, but it’s those differences that make us who we are as a county. In your time people were severely punished for committing blasphemous actions, this does not take place today. Individuals have the right to believe and not to believe in a higher power, in doing either we are not punished. It may be frowned upon, but no one goes to jail for it. I think you two were just men and maybe I do not understand you clearly, but I don’t think this world would not be what it is without the grace of God. Without Him it would be far worst. Americans today are very sensitive when it comes to religion. Others are not as adamant about it, but believe in a higher being of some sort. Some people are even trying to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance, which is awkward because that is what this world was founded for; so that we may create a world in preparation for the Savior’s return.

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