Tuesday, April 27, 2010


In the past semester, we have read the works of many authors and I have enjoyed most of them. However, now I understand that America could use some tending to, yet it does have it good points and great authors. This semester I have learned that America is, greedy, selfish, strong, unpredictable, and a great place to live. A few things that I have learned about American literature is that: being able to express oneself is extremely healthy and important, darkness is not always a bad thing, God and love are extremely important, disobedience is a good thing if in means bad things will change, and that women are extremely important to mankind (regardless of the fact that they give life). Theses ten thing have improved my view on America. These writings have allowed me to understand that I hold a big piece of America even though I am a black woman; all I have to do is claim what is mine. I have also come to terms with the fact that America is not perfect, and it is going to take reform after reform to make it better. Plus perfection is over rated and boring, unless your name is JESUS then its fine. Another way this course has changed my perception on America is that now I know that and am sure about this, people back then had it rough! So I see this country was built on fear and strength, and Whites and Blacks contributed a lot. Even though early blacks had it much harder in the worst way and for that reason I learned that America is also greedy, selfish, and hypocritical at times. I will never understand how early Americans claimed to see God in everything, yet condoned slavery. All and all America needs a lot of work, and writing is the first step to assure that attention. That is if anyone reads it.

1 comment:

  1. Nice comments, I am happy that your view of America has been approved. Come see me about epiphanies.
