Friday, March 19, 2010

Tregre, "We're Just Anonymous Numbers on a Governmental Chart" -Better Than Ezra

The thing that struck me most in "Civil Disobedience" was the part about soldiers not really being true heroes. Soldiers go into war to fight for freedom and the law, however, the law does so many unjust things. For example, murdering another does not make the US law right when that is doing an unjust thing to another. Soldiers are a shadow of humanity and the government molds them into machines. They cannot exercise moral beliefs and are just trained to follow rules such as, shoot only if fired at. One critic commented that their existence is reduced to that of a horse and only used to get a "job" done. When one works for the government as a soldier, the individual is supporting unjust laws. They are carrying out their created injustices and being the governments workhorse. It is not right to betray ones integrity to commit a crime, governmental or not Thoreau explores. The attitude is not a brave soldier, but committing an unjust act. It is one's chief duty to do what is right and to break a law if it commits an unjust act upon another. One should not fit into the crowd, but exercise their rights as an individual and trust their instincts. One should not just be an "anonymous number on a governmental chart."

1 comment:

  1. Soldiers are cogs in the machine. The govt. makes soldiers lose their humanity.
    Good ost.
